I am beyond thrilled

Rescue Pony: I am beyond thrilled and touched by you’re kindness. The little guy and I will put that to very good use, and I am certain his little spirit thanks you as well. He is so much more comfortable in his own skin now. This poor pony had been so severely abused that when I walked in his stall, he would crouch down like scared dog. He would go in the corner and tremble all over with fear. He was afraid every second of every day.

He no longer quivers as before and will run circles around me when I go into his pasture. He is saying look at me I am free, and I am happy! And when I stop walking he comes to me, not only in the round pen or stall but even in the pasture. It is though every bit of the old memories and fear are completely gone. I don’t think he ever thought he could be this happy. So You and Focus Equine have saved another Life! You were our missing link in communication before Carla. As I mentioned before you are the, “INTERPRETER” Thank-you just does not seem to be enough. So we are keeping you in our Prayers and sending you many many Blessings : )

Joey & Colton

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