Fred and Atlas
Dear PEN, I’m writing to tell you how completely amazed I am with your MagRestore product! I bought a nine year old 16hh Morgan Sport Horse in March 2016. He was being sold because after working with him for nearly five years, the woman that owned him felt that he was simply “too much horse” for her and finally gave up.
Having owned a spirited Morgan mare, I thought I could manage him.
When “Atlas” first arrived at our stable, he was completely out of control. OK, I thought, new home, new surroundings etc, he’ll settle in.

Steph and Indy
Over the past year, I had been having more and more trouble with my mare, Indy – she wouldn’t take my leg, fought the bit (every bit), wouldn’t stand still for mounting, and then often refused to move once I was on. Once she did move, she lunged forward or scrambled (like a car stuck stuck in park) and then didn’t want to just walk. I tried tack changes, outside training, Depo, and trying to ride her down.
After only a few days on MagRestore, she was walking off quietly, snorting happily, and has since turned back into my old horse again. Even if she’s excited about something, she walks off quietly and her movement is free again – all of the “stuck in park” behavior is totally gone. I just went to a large trail event and she was outstanding, and the people who knew the trouble I’d been having couldn’t believe the change.
MagRestore has made a huge impact and I tell everyone about it.

Diane and Hitch
THANK YOU!!! I know for certain that your products helped save ‘Hitch’ and allowed us to become a true team. You helped us when I had no idea where to go or what do to help him. You were able to determine what he needed help his tremors, flinching when I brushed him, and his general ‘grumpiness’.
Hitch has been a different horse since starting your products! We’ve now qualified 2 years in a row to the NRCHA World Championship Show. THANK YOU CARLA and Performance Equine.
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