I highly recommend all of your products.

Dear Carla,

I am sending you this letter to let you know of the amazing results we had with an 8 year old Arabian Gelding that had exhibited mild symptoms of being “cold backed.” I have had the horse since he was 1; I started him and have been the only trainer to work with him so I am confident with the building blocks that were put in place. The horse had from the start exhibited very minor saddling and mounting issues. After a serious tendon injury last year he was demonstrating much more violent reactions to the saddle. He was in rehab for over 6 months for the tendon and came back sound. We eased him back slowly and noticed that the symptoms had returned but NOT at the same mild level they had always been. After my conversation with you regarding Magnesium deficiency, I decided to go ahead with the treatment supplement you recommended. After 10 days on the feed and a few baths with the salts, I saddled him and rode him for the first time in 10 months from the injury last year. He showed no signs of apprehension with the saddle or the mounting. I rode him and he picked up where he was a few years ago. I was surprised that such an easy fix could be so quick and apparent.

I use most of your products including the Flex Joint, MSM, and Focus Equine. You have been an invaluable resource in trouble shooting issues with horses. I highly recommend all of your products.


Dee Dee Kramer ~ Kramer Training

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