It’s been a long journey but you are staying with me forever!
Reining horse: My high maintenance mare had a real problem stalling, training and showing away from home. She is a talented mare but her anxiety got in the way of everything. She was nervous in a new stall and paced and fretted the entire show. By Sunday, she was tired, fractious and body sore. In the show pen, she was distracted, inconsistent making her hard to show. keep her focused. I had to get her physically exhausted before I could even think about showing her. It wasn’t getting better with each show we did. I was spending a lot of money for show expenses and was not having much fun, and mytrainer told me to consider selling.
I started eliminating anxiety and soreness with nutrition and went to work formulating products that addressed her needs physically and mentally. As soon as I started her on Focus Equine, it was a total transformation. She rested in her stall at night. She was confident and relaxed in the show pen. Now, my warm ups consist of 15-20 minutes and I go show her. The amount of wear and tear that Focus Equine saves my horse and I is immeasurable. She has a relaxed attitude about being shown and she puts her head down, stays in the bridle and goes right to work. I’m a better pilot and showman because I can focus on my riding now that I can relax and let her do HER job. She’s soft in the bridle, honest and forthright in her work with plenty of snap and spark when I ask for it. She comes back softly in her small slow circles and steps it up for the large fast. No spook, no worry, no drama! I won’t show her without Focus Equine. I have learned a lot from this little diva and she’s the reason Performance Equine and Focus Equine exists. It’s been a long journey but you are staying with me forever! Thanks,