My Andalusian ‘Reyna’ is so much better because of it.
Thank you so much for all the help with my horses and magnesium supplements.
My Andalusian ‘Reyna’ is so much better because of it. The attacking other horses and getting attached to other horses is way better. Now I just have to remind her ‘we don’t do that’.
I have down loaded the info for another lady on the team who owns the Thoroughbred that Reyna gets attached to because she is out of control especially from the ground. She rescued this horse and the horse loves her but has NO respect and Cathrine needs to learn how to do that. But, if she put her on this and got her off the grain it would be so much better and maybe mixed hay not alfalfa. AND FOCUS too.
So hopefully I can be convincing enough to get her to order this and feed properly and she will be safe.
I love you guys, THANKS with all my heart.
Lyn Spees