Thank you for the grand help!!! George is a happy lad.
I ran a rescue for over 30 ys, and I have seen some sorry and sad horses come through here over the years. Most are head down bedraggled messes, but some were high headed and over the top reactive.
The vet tech at our local (and much revered vet clinic) pointed me to you guys for certain cases and it was the best tip I think I ever received, and I used the MagRestore on lots of horses. But my story is today's, I retired from the rescue a few years ago but they still seem to find me when I am not looking...and three months ago I got a call from a friend who had just been told the very worst news by her doctor.
Her two horses were her biggest fear, so she called me. We picked them up the following morning so she could face her illness without fear of her horses going to the wrong place. A 15 and a 30 yr old pair of Andalusians, well cared for always, but the mare was 30 and carried many tumors. Moving them was stressful, they had lived in one place their whole lives and settling took a while. Then the 30 yr old succumbed to her tumors 3 months after arriving here.
The gelding was frantic, his lady had been with him since birth and had had a dreadful time with his new life. I started him on the magic mag immediately, and within just a few days, his body and brain started to relax. Within 2 weeks he was settled and fully at home, stress free and not a drug to be seen. (that's the best part) I melded him with my 4 horses and he fit calmly in like he had always lived here.
Thank you for the grand help!!! George is a happy lad. - Nadine, OR