Thank you for your help with “Wrangler”
I am sorry it has taken me so long to put this in writing but THANK YOU so much for all your advise and support! Thank you for taking the time to share your extensive knowledge of the nutritional defects our performances horses have and how it effects them physically and mentally.
Thank you for your help with “Cheese” Because “Cheese” is such a good boy and incredibly broke the changes were subtle. Before your help and advise Cheese was stiff and would fall out of lead in his large fast circles and miss his speed control. He also stocked up in his stall. Since he has been on his “Special Mix” of joint supplements with extra HA and MSM and added Magnesium he is is softer to ride and stays in lead, nails his speed control and is no longer stocking up in his stall. You can sure tell if he has missed getting his supplement, he became tight in the back and stocks up in his stall!
Thank you for your help with “Wrangler”. Before MagRestore and Focus he would grab the bit and take off for no reason towards the end of his ride. Since we put him on the Mag Restore and Focus he is no longer cramping up and taking off and he has a much more trainable mind.
Thank you for your help with my husband and getting him on Magnesium. Since we added Magnesium to his supplements he too has a much more trainable attitude (kidding)! Seriously since getting the Jigsaw Mag it has really assisted helping him breath along with the COPD meds he takes. He is able to recovery faster after activity and sleeps way sounder. He no longer wakes up and needs his inhaler. In fact, he only uses his inhaler on occasion now.
Most Important Thank you!!! for being an incredible friend!
“If God brings me to it he will bring be through it” -Sheree Yohey
Courtney Yohey & Imasmartlittlecheese (AKA Cheese)