This mare was settled, focused, and enjoyed being brushed and touched.

Cindy S. started out with this new horse, not understanding what her symptoms actually meant. Her mare sadly was wicked to brush; she hated to be touched or bathed. She would actually bite at the air when you tried to brush her. Then she began pulling back and having erratic behavior. All very out of character for a former rodeo pick up horse.
We talked about her symptoms and what magnesium shortfall looks like and what it makes her horse feel like. Fast forward to her first quarter horse show and she won first in Confirmation. She picked up a few AQHA points! The mare was settled, focused, and enjoyed being brushed and touched.
This mare was on the bottom rung of deficiency and we commend Cindy for doing the research and the deep dive to help this beautiful horse recover, feel better and enjoy her work again.